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The only clear thing in your life is the schnapps?

When it comes to hard alcohol, it often happens very quickly... you don't have to reach for the glass and sometimes glasses fall over.

We therefore produce shot glasses in our workshop that provide more safety when drinking.


Each glass has a hole that is ideal for any finger. This not only makes drinking more fun, but also reduces the chance of losing the good schnapps enormously. Poured to the brim with surface tension, the glasses hold almost 4 cl.

The liquid fills the glass completely and is not stopped by the hole.In addition to our clear glasses, there are also some with a face, so you never have to drink alone again.


We manufacture every glass with a lot of passion by hand in our family business.

For even more "safety" we use Pyrex glass during production, which is normally used as laboratory glass. It is significantly more resistant than ordinary glass, fire and acid resistant and dishwasher safe. However, please do not intentionally hit the glass on the table as in the video.

Our shot glass set with a glass stand (signed) to keep and display them in a nicer way is available to make something neat in the showcase or in the cupboard.

For the beer lovers among you, we also have a wheat glass with a particularly good grip. :)


Our family business can ship any glassware we display on Viking River Cruises.

Schnapsglas Set

SKU: 364215376135191

    Vieved together

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